What happens to your body when you have sleep loss?

Sleep is one element out of our day that should consist of ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation. Though unfortunately, research has revealed that 4 out of 10 Australians are not receiving the required and sufficient 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Neglecting to get a full night’s sleep can cause extreme harm to your overall sense of wellbeing, mental and physical health.

What happens when you don’t get sleep?

Missing sleep or not receiving your daily dose can cause significant chemical imbalances. These imbalances can dramatically increase your levels of stress and lead to heightened exposure to diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, Alzheimer’s, depression or experiencing a stroke. If your body does not have the environment or time to repair itself, repetitive unhealthy habits can take a toll on your life.

How can I make a change?

Sleep is the key to a fully functional body and mind. It is recommended that you as an individual should consider these options for increasing and improving your quality of sleep:

-          Reduce your caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that causes your brain to ignore chemical signals to sleep. One cup of coffee 6 hours before sleeping can result in a loss of 1 hour of sleep.

-          Switch of the electronics. There are nights where we can lay in bed subconsciously scrolling through Instagram or Facebook for hours on end. These screens emit blue light, creating an effect that signals to the brain that it is still daytime which prevents the production of sleep-inducing chemicals.

Getting the sleep you need is important to ensuring a quality experience of life. If you are still struggling to get a good night’s sleep after changing your lifestyle habits, consult your pharmacist today to discuss alternative solutions.

Adam Shakespeare